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5 Questions That Every Firm Should Ask About Their Website

At Accesspoint we believe creating a website is only half the battle, maintaining it is where it can become difficult, especially for SME firms that are extremely busy with heavy workloads. Occasionally, you should take a step back and ask yourself these 5 important questions to ensure your website is up to par with consumer demands and the competition.
Does your website layout appeal to the mass audience?

Think about the type of client you wish to attract and look at your website through their eyes – does it stand out from the rest and does it make you want to stay? With customer expectations constantly changing, it’s important to include a sleek, innovative, easy to navigate design whilst still maintaining the highly professional tone of the firm. At Accesspoint we ensure your website is just this equipped with intelligent tabs, strong headlines and branding, plus an awesome web design to ensure your firm’s message and services are well covered whilst also being aesthetically pleasing.
Is your website template flexible?

A static and rigid website template is no longer a good fit for firms that constantly work to maintain the high standards of the legal marketing industry. The importance of flexibility in a firm’s web design is becoming more and more apparent. Ensuring your website can be seen effectively in the right format on various devices, as well as being able to add new integrations and features to your site as you go, are just a few of the reasons your website template should be able to adapt. At Accesspoint we use WordPress to design websites, this allows us and yourself to be free to make any changes to the site in the future.
Does your content say everything?

It is always worth reading through your website content to make sure the language used is effective for getting your message across, those searching for legal help may not use intricate wording or legal jargon in the search engines. Avoid using complex language that only legal professionals can understand and find a balance between showing your expertise and appealing to your wider audience. Keep the tone of voice simple, clear, and concise!
Is there a way to directly engage with visitors?

Websites can be much more than just a shop window for your firm’s services. Your website can be a valuable tool in collecting essential information from visitors. Incorporating web forms onto your site will allow you to quickly follow up with potential leads and effectively establish contact with them remotely. We urge firms to explore different integrations that allow you to engage with visitors immediately, as it will increase the chance of turning prospects into clients.
Does your website utilise all marketing channels?

A website can be one of the most effective marketing tools you have, but without data driven integrations on your side your firm may be missing out. Our Web360 package offers innovative and exciting ways to reach new clients and optimise cross selling opportunities such as our forensic tool that allows your firm to track the digital journey of a client, from clicking on a google advert or Facebook post right through to the completion of their case. Plus, there’s a website integration feature that can send an e-shot to clients who visit chosen pages on your website.
Your website is the virtual door to many new clients and opportunities, being able to assess how and where your website can be improved is beneficial in bringing you one step closer to creating a fully utilised online presence that provides more of a data driven experience to your firm and clients, plus new business.